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TiP: Brush-care is very important. Enjoy your brushes a longer time.  
After you have worked with them, clean them in turpentine-oil . Form the tip of the brush with some fat-oil and remove from the brushstick and keep in a metal-box in between two pads filled with  clove-oil or lavender-oil. The box is also a good container to carry the brushes and protect the brush-points. Until the next application, the brush will be fresh and supple.

Brush sets

#-No:  P 100   Paint & Detail brushes  Set 5 brushes Euro   38,00
Kazan hair brush P100 porcelain painting Kugelmeier

5 finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes/ long included brush handles. Quill brushes.The most versatile brushes.
P 101 Detail brush ,pointy, hair 9mm
P 102 Detail brush ,
pointy, hair 10 mm
P 103 Detail brush, long pointy, hair 14 mm
P 104 Lay on brush, long pointy, hair 15 mm
P 105 Lay on brush,
long pointy, hair 17 mm
each  Set
Ideally for beginners!

#-No:  P 200   Detail & Drawing brushes  Set 4 brushes Euro   26,00
Kazan hair brush P200 porcelain painting Kugelmeier

4 finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handles.Quill brushes, extra fine.

P 201 Detail brush fine pointy, hair 8 mm,
P 202 Detail brush
fine pointy, hair 10 mm,
P 203 Detail brush
fine pointy, hair 12 mm,
P 204 Detail brush
fine pointy, hair 12 mm
each  Set

#-No:  P 300   Paint brush   short /sharp  Set  3 brushes Euro   24,00
Kazan hair brush P300 porcelain painting Kugelmeier

3 finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handles. Quill brushes.The most versatile brush.

P 301 Lay on brush - short
pointy, hair 8 mm, 
P 302 Lay on brush -
short pointy, hair 9 mm,
P 303 Lay on brush -
short pointy, hair 13 mm
each  Set

#-No:  P 300 L
  Fond brushes lrg,   oval   Set  3 brushes Euro    42,00
Kazan hair brush, fond brush, lrg, porcelain painting Kugelmeier

3 finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handles.Quill brushes.

P 311 Fond brush    
hair 16 mm
P 312
Fond brush     hair 19 mm
P 313
Fond brush     hair 22 mm

each  Set

#-No:  P 400   Rose brushes  short / oval  Set  5 brushes Euro    38,00
Kazan hair brushes P400 porcelain painting Kugelmeier

5 finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handles.Quill brushes. The most versatile brush.
P 401 Lay on brush -
hair 7 mm,
P 402 Lay on brush -
hair 10 mm,
P 403 Lay on brush -
hair 12 mm,
P 404 Lay on brush -
hair 15 mm,
P 405 Lay on brush -
hair 17 mm
each  Set

#-No:  P 400 L
  Rose brushes  lrg , short / oval  Set  4 brushes Euro    44,00
Squirl brush painting brush, watercolor porclain painting Kugelmeier

4 finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handles.Quill brushes. The most versatile brush.
P 407 Lay on brush -
hair 15 mm,
P 408 Lay on brush -
hair 17 mm,
P 409 Lay on brush -
hair 19 mm,
P 410 Lay on brush -
hair 22 mm,

each  Set

#-No:  P 600
  Square shader / short   Set  5 brushes
Euro    47,00
Square shader brush Kazan hair short

5 finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handles. Quill brushes. The most versatile brush for american technique.

P 601
square shader  short  hair   6 mm
P 602
square shader  short  hair   9 mm
P 603
square shader  short  hair 11 mm
P 604
square shader  short  hair 15 mm
P 605 square shader  short  hair 15 mm
each  Set

#-No:  P 600 L
  Square shader lrg     Set  3 brushes Euro    47,00
Squirl brush painting brush, square shader watercolor porclain painting Kugelmeier

3 finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes with brush handles. The most versatile brush for american technique.

P 611 square shader 
hair 18 mm
P 612
square shader  hair 19 mm
P 613
square shader  hair 20 mm

each  Set

#-No:  P 700
  Malpinsel stumpf / lang    Set  4 brushes
Euro    34,00
Square shader brush Kazan hair long

4 finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handles.Quill brushes. The most versatile brush for american technique.

P 701
square shader long   hair 10 mm
P 702
square shader long   hair 15 mm
P 703
square shader long   hair 17 mm
P 704
square shader long   hair 18 mm

each  Set

#-No:  P 800   Minimob Set   4 brushes
Euro    45,00
Mini Mob Squirl brush, Portrait brush, porcelain painting Kugelmeier

4 Minimob brushes, hand made Kazan hair-brushes

P 801 minimob brush     
HL 4 mm
P 802 minimob brush      HL 6 mm
P 803 minimob brush      HL 9 mm
P 804 minimob brush      HL 10 mm

each  Set

#-No:  P 900   Stibbler brush / slanted  Set   5 brushes
Euro    51,00
Stubber Pinsel Set P900 Porzellanmalerei Kugelmeier

5 Stibbler hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handles. Quill brushes

P 901 Stibbler brush    slanted 
HL 5 mm
P 902 Stibbler brush    slanted  HL 5 mm
P 903 Stibbler brush    slanted  HL 7 mm
P 904 Stibbler brush    slanted  HL 9 mm
P 905 Stibbler brush    slanted  HL 10 mm

each  Set

Single brush

  Paint brush and drawing brush  / single


per item

Kazan hair brush P100 porcelain painting Kugelmeier

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handle. Quill brushes.

P 101   Detail      9 mm Euro    6,00
P 102   for drawing and detail   10 mm Euro    6,50
P 103   Lay on and detail 14 mm Euro    7,50
P 104   Lay on brush 15 mm Euro    9,00
P 105   Lay on brush 17 mm Euro   10,00
P 100   Paint brush set

Euro   38,00

  Detail brushes  / single


per item

deatail brush set P200 porcelain painting Kugelmeier

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handle.

P 201   short Detail  fine pointy
 8 mm Euro    6,00
P 202   Detail  fine pointy 10 mm Euro    6,50
P 203   long Detail  fine pointy 12 mm Euro    7,00
P 204   Detail  fine pointy 12 mm Euro    7,50
P 200   Detail brush set

Euro   26,00

  Paint brush short /point / single


per item

Painting brush Dresden P300 Kugelmeier

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handle. The most versatile brush.

P 301   Lay on brush short pointy,  8 mm Euro    7,50
P 302   Lay on brush short pointy,  9 mm Euro    8,00
P 303   Lay on brush short pointy, 13 mm Euro    9,00

P 300   Lay on brush
Euro   24,00

  Fond brush  / singles


per item

Kazan hair brush set lrg P 300 L , porcelain painting Kugelmeier

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handle.

P 311   Fond brush   16 mm Euro   15,00
P 312   Fond brush   19 mm Euro   17,00
P 313   Fond brush   22 mm Euro   19,00

P 300 L   Set  Fond brush lrg

Euro   42,00

  Rose brush oval / short  / single


per item

Rose brushes P400 Porcelain Painting Kugelmeier

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handle.

P 401   Detail     7 mm Euro    6,00
P 402   for drawing and detail 10 mm Euro    7,00
P 403   Lay on brush
12 mm Euro    7,50
P 404   Lay on brush 15 mm Euro    8,50
P 405   Lay on brush 17 mm Euro    9,50
P 400   Set Rose brushes

Euro   38,00

  Rose brush oval / short  / single


per item

Squirl painting brush watercolor brush porcelain painting Kugelmeier

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handle.

P 407   Lay on brush L
 15 mm Euro    9,50
P 408   Lay on brush L
17 mm Euro  10,00
P 409   Lay on brush L
19 mm Euro  11,50
P 410   Lay on brush L
22 mm Euro  13,50

P 400 L   Set Rose brushes lrg

Euro   44,00

  Square shader short / singles


per item

square shader kazan hair brush short

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handle.

P 601   Square shader short   6 mm Euro    7,50
P 602   Square shader short   9 mm Euro    8,00
P 603   Square shader short 10 mm Euro    9,50
P 604   Square shader short 15 mm Euro   11,00
P 605   Square shader short
15 mm
Euro   12,00

P 600   Set  Square shader / short

Euro   47,00

  Square shader lrg / singles


per item

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes with brush handle.

P 611   Square shader lrg   18 mm Euro  14,00
P 612   Square shader lrg  19 mm Euro  16,00
P 613   Square shader lrg  20 mm Euro  18,00

P 600 L   Set  Square shader lrg

Euro   47,00

  Square shader / long / singles


per item

Square shader brush Kazan hair long

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handle.

P 701   Square shader / long   10 mm Euro    7,50
P 702   Square shader / long 15 mm Euro    8,00
P 703   Square shader / long 17 mm Euro    9,50
P 704   Square shader / long 18 mm Euro   10,50
P 700   Set Square shader / long
Euro   34,00

  Stibbler brush slanted / singles


per item

Stubberpinsel Set P900 Porzellanmalerei Kugelmeier

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes included brush handle.

P 901   Stibbler brush slanted   5 mm Euro    8,00
P 902   Stibbler brush slanted   5 mm Euro    8,50
P 903   Stibbler brush slanted   7 mm Euro    9,50
P 904   Stibbler brush slanted   9 mm Euro   13,00
P 905   Stibbler brush slanted
10 mm
Euro   14,00

P 900   Set  Stibbler brushes / slanted
Euro   51,00

  Minimob brushes


per item

Mini Mob Squirl brush Portrait painting brush, porcelain painting Kugelmeier

Finest hand made Kazan hair-brushes 

P 801   Minimob brush  4 mm Euro    7,50
P 802   Minimob brush 6 mm Euro    8,00
P 803   Minimob brush 9 mm Euro    9,50
P 804   Minimob brush 10 mm Euro   10,50
P 800   Set Minimobs
Euro   45,00

#-No:  P 002   Gold brush Euro    6,00
bandig brush P002 Kugelmeier

Brush for Gold and Platinum edges.

size 1 1/2 in. 

#-No:  P 001   Brush handles Euro    2,80
brush handles P001 Kugelmeier

4 Brush handles in diffrent sizes (  0 - 3 )
for finest quill brushes

size 20 cm 
each Set