
Supplier & party 
to a contract

E-Mail   : 

Jörg  Kugelmeier

Winkel 15 c
Lenggries - Fleck / Germany
D - 83661    

Phone   : 08042 / 509572
Fax        : 08042 / 503797

DE 127531489

Terms of delivery

Exchange and terms of return


-Least order quantity EURO 15,00
-You can buy only with advance payment.
-All prices are without shipment costs.
-Please contact me when you has a complaint.
-You can give return all articles purchased by me with  detail complaint reason within 14 days.
-I reserve me the compensation entitlements for the goods should show traces of damages at the return


All photos and pictures may elsewhere be used or published only by express approval.

Joerg Kugelmeier doesn't take any responsibility for the contents of the linked websites.

Webdesign 2007©  Joerg Kugelmeier